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CEO of Tijuana Flats does ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
VISTAMATIC's CEO, Kevin Roth, Takes #ALS #IceBucketChallenge
Prisma CEO Bob Anderson ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Westman CEO Ambushed - Funny!
2015 - #ALSIceBucketChallenge - Fred Fisher, President & CEO, Golden West Chapter, and his daughters
Max Schireson , CEO of MongoDB , taking up ALS Icebucket challenge
Tijuana Flats CEO authors book about son's struggle
The Lunch Hour Report - Tijuana Flats #beef
Fast-casual Service in Tijuana Flats
Don't taste the hottest sauce from Tijuana Flats.
Tijuana Flats Part 1
Cinco at Tijuana Flats